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IfG.Research - eGov-Library
With its eGovernment Library IfG.Research serves as an external location of the library of the University of Potsdam. It has its own branch library code within the university library system and has been provided with a considerable collection of literature and other materials by the library, which has been expanded upon by the institute itself.

At its offices in central Potsdam, in the Kutschstall-Karree, IfG.Research maintains a considerable collection of books, journals and articles on the topics of eGovernment and public administration modernization. Over 250 books are available in English and German.

This book collection is complemented by an extensive collection of articles from international and national journals. This collection includes thousands of influential and relevant articles published in recent years on such topics as eGovernment, public management, governance, and so forth.

The library is available to interested researchers during the opening hours of the institute. Assistance in using the library is available.

In exceptional cases, it may be possible to borrow materials from the library.

Use of the library requires valid identification and a student ID card.

c/o The Potsdam eGovernment Competence Center
Am Neuen Markt 9c
D-14467 Potsdam

Opening Hours:
Mo, Tu, We: 10am – 12pm and 2pm - 4pm

Lending conditions:

  • Presentation of a valid identification and a student ID card.
  • For lending a deposit of an amount of 5 Euro is required.

Heidrun Müller
Fon: 0331-740 367 61
eMail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


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